Happy Endings

Lana HE.png

Lana is having the time of her life

“We just thought you would like to see some pictures of how Lana is doing. She has visited many new places and made lots of friends humans and other dog alike. 

We would just like to thank you so much again for letting us have such a beautiful little girl she has really fitted into the home life with few accidents in house she mainly asks to go out and do her thing.

she is walking brilliant on her lead it’s just like she has always been use to it.

she loves sleeping on the bed with us even has her own blanket and a puppy toy she adores and sleeps with every night.

she loves giving cuddles and stealing slippers you would think she had always lived in a house for how relaxed she is. she is even now starting to give kisses to us.

Thank you once again for everything you have and are doing”.



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